Leonie Sinnige and Peter Scheltens quit their jobs, rented out the house and left for what would become a 3-year motorcycle trip around the world. Riding their two trusty Honda CRF250L’s over 112,000 km on 5 continents through 56 countries.
During the presentation they will give you a seat on their bikes to ride around the world together. Exploring Africa and telling you about the amazing hospitality in Libya, the Hippo’s next to our tent in Kenya. Riding the America’s from the most southern tip of the world all the way up to snowy Canada. Zigzagging Asia using motorcycle highways in Malaysia, making new friends in Pakistan and riding on top of the world in the Himalayas. All of this off course with lots and lots of pictures! An amazing journey, they want to share with you!
Website: Amsterdam to anywhere
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