After various shorter motorbike trips, through Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Iran, Iceland, Morocco, Namibia and many other countries, it became undeniably clear that Tom and Caroline had some serious motorcycle adventure travel blood running through their veins. So Caroline wasn’t all that surprised when Tom made up a plan to go travel for ‘just that little bit longer’.
They love to take you on their adventure that in the end took a 2 full years. At first they rode their brand new Husky 701 enduros through Africa, mainly along the west coast. They then shipped their bikes to South America, crossed the Americas from Argentina to Alaska and finally traveled the States from west to east.
They would love you to get excited about traveling by telling you about the crazy border crossing games, about the life among the locals, the dilemma of on vs off road, wild camping on the most beautiful spots on earth, the day-to-day vagabond life – no clock or stress around – and off course the many ‘ooooohs’ and ‘aaaaahs’ when they discover once more what this magnificent world has to offer.
So get ready for numerous anecdotes and pictures and be prepared for adding a few more items to your bucket lists!